Tuesday 19 February 2008

Delia's got a point

Much coverage in the papers over the last few days on Delia's new book 'How to Cheat at Cooking' a collection of recipes based on time-saving products.

Now you might think that would make the recipes costlier than cooking them from scratch but that isn't inevitably so as I explain on my website www.beyondbakedbeans.com today.

Last night was a case in point. Rooting around in the cupboards (it was a No Food Shopping Day) I found a jar of puttanesca sauce - not difficult to make, admittedly, but costly if you don't have olives, capers and anchovies already to hand.

The trouble with ready made products like this is that they tend to be bland so I fried off the last of the spring onions I bought a couple of days ago, added two crushed cloves of garlic and scooped in the sauce, finally adding a big handful of chopped parsley (one of my must-have fridge ingredients). Tossed together with half a pack of spaghetti it made a really tasty - and frugal - meal for two.


  1. Now I've moved much away from a busy high street and only have a dodgy convenience shop I have found that having these things in the cupboard/fridge/freezer/on the windowsill means you can't go wrong:

    Pasta shapes
    Green/Puy Lentils
    Rice (brown/white/basmati/wild whatever!)
    Tinned tomatoes
    Mixed dried herbs
    Curry powder
    Chilli salt
    Various vinegars
    Pine nuts
    Olive oil (EV & bog-standard)
    Tuna in spring water
    Duck eggs

    Thai curry pastes
    Tom Yum paste
    Paysan Breton cream cheese
    Lemons & Limes

    Baby octopus/cuttlefish/squid

    Window sill:
    Fresh herbs
    Living salad
    Shoots of some sort (normally radish) - even in a fifth floor London flat you can manage this!

    It gives you a lot of scope - although buying some additional fresh veg once in a while might not be a bad idea!

  2. Great post, Melissa, thanks! I like that Paysan Breton cream cheese too.

  3. Hiya Fi, I came home late and sadly sober to find the other half had been out and was indulging in lashings of it on toast as a guilty post-pub snack! It's just so versatile, chuck chives in and it goes in a baked potato (epecially baked sweet potato), mix a little harissa, and crushed coriander & cumin seeds into it and stuff it in a chicken breast or as I said just use it with pasta - it rocks!
