Friday 4 April 2008

New supermarket opening - a chance to stock up!

A new branch of Somerfield has opened down the end of the road. A bit of a let down really - it's not much more than a glorified off-licence but because they want to attract custom they've dropped leaflets round the area with a 10% off voucher for the opening week.

We went down and loaded up with basics like olive oil, coffee, kitchen towel and loo paper plus a huge block of cheddar for £1.99 which I was in two minds about buying as we're away again next week. But it was only 10p more than a block half its size so I now have to make our diet cheese-focussed for the next four days in order to use it up. Will report back on how it goes.

Of course the best things to buy are non-perishables you use reguarly such as tinned tomatoes, spaghetti and tuna all of which were on offer at half price.

It's worth keeping an eye out for new supermarket openings. You not only get the benefit of sharp prices in the new store but in neighbouring supermarkets who want to hang on to your custom.

Not that I'll be abandoning my small shops. I'll still stick to them for fresh produce.

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