Thursday 10 July 2008

A photographic digression

I hesitated about posting this because it's nothing to do with frugal eating but I've just discovered this photographer whose work I think is amazing. His name is Tim Walker and his work has a fantastical Alison in Wonderland quality - plants grow all over bathrooms, beds turn up in fields, trees sport dresses like hanging lamps, a chandelier is turned into a ring of ice cream sundaes . . . He's mainly a fashion photographer but occasionally tackles food.

His work is being displayed at the Rencontres Arles an annual photography festival in Arles to which we've been coming for the past six years as our youngest son, Flyn, is a keen photographer. He's especially interested in this years' exhibits which have been curated by the fashion designer Christian Lacroix (who comes from Arles) as he's doing an MA at the London College of Fashion next year.

Anyway back to Tim Walker. For some strange reason he hasn't got a website and I obviously couldn't snap any of his pictures for copyright reasons but have just discovered he's got an exhibition on at the Design Museum in London this summer which is on till September. If you're interested in photography do go.


  1. Sounds intriguing - both for those who love photography and those who love unusual composition. Thanks for flagging it up!
