Saturday 9 August 2008

Raspberry and yoghurt pots

This is my favourite breakfast at the moment - well, most of the year, actually, but fresh raspberries happen to be in season and reduced at most of the supermarkets currently.

A handful of raspberries, a heaped tablespoon of plain yoghurt (we use soy as my husband is dairy-intolerant) and a sprinkling of granola. It looks especially pretty layered up in a tumbler like this, a form of presentation the French are particularly keen on and call a 'verrine'.

You can also of course make it with thawed frozen berries - cheaper for most of the year - or with a cooked fruit compote. We have it with apple and cinnamon, blackberry and apple, plums and rhubarb at different times of year. Not expensive and a great way to start the day.


  1. Makes a nice change from cereal and toast. I picked some blackberries today and am going to have a go at making my own granola - that would be a great combo too Im sure

  2. Blackberries seem to be good this year (must be the rain!) We had a delicious blackberry and apple crumble last night but the mixture works really well in these fruit pots too. Hope you enjoy it!

  3. ooh that looks really tasty, and healthy too!! I love berries, and it would make a change from the usual cereal & milk each morning!
