Thursday 6 August 2009

Our new student cookbook

It’s always a great moment when you finally hold a copy of a book you’ve written in your hands. It makes all the hard work - and believe me it is hard work - worthwhile.

This time it's been a particular thrill because I've worked with three of the students who have collaborated on my student website Beyond Baked Beans: Signe Johansen, Guy Millon and James Ramsden. By luck I stumbled across three students who could not only cook but cook really well. Sig and James have done cookery courses (Sig at Leith's, James at the famous Ballymaloe Cookery School in Ireland) and Guy's father Marc is a food writer so he's been brought up in the kitchen.

As you can see from our Facebook page they've been making videos and posting recipes all year and now all have blogs of their own (here, here and here) They've all been students this past year - Sig at SOAS, Guy at Nottingham and James at Bristol so they've had first hand and recent experience of having to cook on a budget

What we've done with the book - and this is why we're bold enough to call it The Ultimate Student Cookbook - is pick the best recipes from the three Beyond Baked Beans books and get them to add their own tips to them as well as add some of their own favourite recipes. Because Sig's a keen baker there are more cake recipes than there were in the original books. James has added some sophisticated recipes for when you want to impress and Guy some great basics like his family's favourite chilli con carne. Their knowledge, humour and enthusiasm shines through every page

As if that wasn't enough we've got an endorsement from the great Heston Blumenthal, a chef we all really admire

So if you know anyone who's going to uni this autumn - or even who's already there - do buy it for them. It's only £10 for a whopping 288 pages and loads of lovely pix - still less if you buy it on Amazon. It should be in the shops now if you want to take a look at it before you buy it - if you don't see it do please ask for it.


  1. Brilliant. I can't wait to see a copy of this, and I'll be reviewing it on my blog, and hopefully doing some cooking from it too! You must be so excited!

  2. I want this book sooo much! Can't wait to get it, could really have used it this past year though :(

  3. Congrats to all of you, must be a thrill to see the result of all your hard work!

  4. As a struggling author, I can attest to the absolute jubilation of holding a book in your hands after sweating over every word for such a long time. That's exactly how I felt when I received my copy of my first cookbook, The Grease Monkey Gourmet ( Good luck to you. Now the fun really begins! Pete Hurrey

  5. Many thanks all for your good wishes and best of luck with your book The Grease Monkey Gourmet, anonymous!

  6. How exciting; it's out at last! Many congratulations to all x

  7. The book looks briliant. Well Done, I will def be adding this to my cookbook collection.

    Magic Mummy

  8. Many thanks Julia and Magic Mummy. (Nice blog btw! Not that Julia's isn't but I already know hers well)

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