Tuesday 9 November 2010

Peppered mackerel and potato salad with mustard dressing

My husband seems to have taken over in the kitchen recently which isn't too good for this blog so I'm having to raid the back catalogue for recipes. This is another that went into the giveaway Guardian student book I wrote for them a couple of months ago. I'm not mad about smoked mackerel but it's fantastically good value and works brilliantly in this chunky potato salad

Serves 3-4
45 mins including cooling time

450-500g new potatoes
1/2 a small onion, peeled and finely chopped
2 level tsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp wine or cider vinegar
6 tbsp light olive oil or sunflower oil
200g peppered smoked mackerel
A handful of chopped parsley or some snipped chives (optional but adds a bit of colour)
Salt and pepper

Wash and scrub the potatoes clean leaving on the skins. Cook in boiling salted water until just tender (about 12-15 minutes) then drain and leave until cool enough to handle (another 10 minutes or so). Meanwhile whisk together the mustard and vinegar in a bowl and season with salt and pepper then gradually whisk in the oil plus a tablespoon of water if it seems a bit thick. Slice the potatoes roughly into the dressing and leave for another 15 minutes if you’ve time for the flavours to absorb. Pull the mackerel off the skin and break up with a fork into largeish pieces, removing any bones and lightly mix with the potatoes and parsley. Serve straight away (potato salads are never as good if they’re chilled)

IMO you can never have too many potato salad recipes. What's your favourite?


  1. I can't even begin to tell you how much this recipe appeals to me...

  2. Unfortunately, the best potatoes for a potato salad are the expensive ones.

    I've found, instead of smoked mackerel in packets, smoked herring. You get 4 fillets in a pack and they cost very little. Kippers on the cheap, and very tasty heated in the microwave and eaten in a warm kipper sandwich.

  3. good to hear, elpi!

    I haven't come across smoked herring Sarah. Where do you find those? Not sure I'm with you on kipper sandwiches I have to say (though my husband probably would be). Kipper pate's good though . . .

  4. Fiona, you've never tried a kipper sarnie? It might sound bizarre, but the bread (warmed by the warm fish), the butter and the sharp kipper is really a delicacy to be savoured! It's not an elegant thing to eat though...

    The French called it Hereng fumé and you get it in vacuum packs of 4 fillets - smoked herring is kipper! Just over €1 a packet, it's a cheap tasty lunch because 2 fillets make a sarnie. :)

  5. I love a salad of new potatoes dressed in a vinaigrette while still warm. I often whack in plenty of herbs as well or some finely chopped shallots. Or both. I also love a German style pot salad with salami and pickles. My tummy just rumbled.

  6. Aha! You're in France, Sarah. That explains it (the herrings) though still need some persuading about the kipper sarnie. Maybe as a toastie . . .

    Oh and I agree, Helen, German potato salads are the best, bar none. Have a fantastic recipe for the slightly sloppy kind they serve in Munich

  7. It's got to be just still warm potatoes dressed with spring onions and mayonnaise. I agree about not chilling it as it's unpalatable.

  8. I quite favour a two-part process, if I've time, Robert. Dressing the potatoes with vinaigrette while they're still warm to let the dressing absorb then folding through a dollop of mayo. Double the fat, obviously ;-)

  9. I usually make this recipe with on the bone pork chops and by the time I am finished they are falling off the bone and I am in love! Great to see someone else go over to the delicious side called sauerkraut! Online Cooking Schools
