Monday 3 October 2011

Storecupboard spaghetti with garlicky prawns

One of the few advantages of being under the weather is that you don't want to go to the shops and make do with whatever you have in the fridge, freezer and cupboard. Hence last night's spaghetti which was also designed to blast through a cold.

It's not the most beautiful creation, I admit - if I was making it again I'd definitely add something green - most probably some chopped coriander or snipped chives but it's dead tasty. A slightly ritzed up version of the thrifty Italian classic spaghetti aglio olio e peperoncino

Serves 2-3*

2-3 large cloves of garlic, peeled and finely sliced
1 fresh chilli, de-seeded and finely sliced (or 1/2 tsp dried chilli flakes)
3 tbsp olive oil
1/2 a small glass of white wine (optional)
A few drops of fish sauce (recommended - a bottle lasts for ages)
180-200g frozen prawns (the cheap North Sea ones not pricey king prawns)
A good chunk of fresh ginger, peeled
200-250g spaghetti depending how hungry you are
Salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon if you think it needs it
A couple of tablespoons chopped coriander or fresh chives (optional but looks good)

Heat a frying pan, add the oil and tip in the sliced garlic and chilli. Cook over a very low heat until the garlic begins to change colour. Add the wine if using, reduce by half then add the fish sauce and prawns. Stir and cook over a low heat until the prawns are completely thawed and hot through (about 4-5 minutes) then take off the heat.

Meanwhile pour a kettleful of water into a large pan bring to the boil, add salt and cook the spaghetti for the time recommended on the pack. Drain, saving a couple of tablespoons of the cooking water. Put the prawns back on the heat, grate in the ginger and heat through with the reserved pasta water. Season with salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice if you think it needs it. Stir in the coriander if using then tip in the cooked spaghetti and toss together. Serve in warm bowls.

If you wanted to do a veggie version you could replace the prawns with broccoli which I'd cut into small florets and stir-fry in the garlicky/chilli-laced oil.

* We managed to get 2 reasonably-sized portions out of it plus 1 to warm up for today's lunch. Which is why it's in a frying pan.

What's your favourite food when you've got a cold?


  1. My favourite food when I've got a cold is anything not made by me. So, as I don't have a sous-chef at home, that'll probably mean toast or a tin of tomato soup if I've got one.

  2. Funny, I still fancy homecooked food when I'm ill. And if husband not here will make it myself (unless really at death's door)

  3. sounds great! hope the cold is banished soon :)

  4. It depends how ill I am, when I had strep throat I was craving eggs and toast once it got a bit better. if just a big cold I usually crave pasta and cheese or soup. Again, depends how tired/sick i am as I remember 2 years ago I had a tummy bug and only had the energy to make tea/eat cereal!

    ps: would your recipe work with frozen seafood too?

  5. It would be fine with frozen seafood, Annie. The main virtue of prawns is that they're smaller and stretch further.

    Cold still in full swing Sarah, but I'm crossing fingers all that garlic and ginger will do the trick!

  6. You might munch on some wasabi snacks. They should frighten away any of the less tenacious bugs!

  7. That's an idea! Currently hitting the hot lemon and ginger after a night up coughing :(

  8. I am snuffling as I type, and wondering what to make for dinner (hours away, but now is the only 10 mins of thinking time I'll get today). Something slurpy (too sniffly to chew) and gingery (taste buds need the kick). Sweet potato curry perhaps. (Which has the added benefit that is one of the few dishes that my husband can make without me wanting to rip all the pots and pans out of his hands and roar WHYAREYOUBEINGSOSLOW...)

  9. That's a very good point The Reluctant Launderer. You don't want to have to chew when you're feeling poorly. Slurpy food is exactly what you need.

  10. I would always go for a chicken soup. Sometimes just chicken consomme & chunks of chicken with noodles. Other times Asian style broth with garlic, chilli & ginger.
    It seems to have a medicinal quality to it plus it tastes and smells great, as long as your nose isn't blocked!

  11. ♥Sounds good to me! When's dinner?♥

  12. I did read somewhere that chicken soup is genuinely therapeutic, Laura. 'Nature's penicillin' as someone (can't remember who) called it.
