Saturday 19 January 2013

5:2 Easy spicy 5 vegetable stew

Looking at the arctic scene out of the window this morning I must admit the last thing I wanted to do was fast but having worked out today was the only day I could fit in over the next 3 days I reckoned I'd survive provided everything I ate was hot.

I was thinking vegetable curry but it somehow morphed into a soupy stew. A rather more calorific one than I'd intended as I hadn't checked out the calories in parsnips or Jerusalem artichokes which have almost as much as potatoes. But it still came in well within the daily allowance especially as I only had just over a third of it.

Dieting or not it's a really good frugal recipe too as you can use whatever veg you have to hand - even a small potato wouldn't be a problem though I might skip the artichokes and use swede instead if I was in danger of exceeding my daily limit.

I don't think tomato would add much unless you had a couple of squishy tomatoes you needed to use up (skin and chop them first. Leave the seeds in - they're fine). Celery or fennel would be good as would a handful of shredded greens or spinach chucked in towards the end. If it wasn't a fast day you could add chickpeas or lentils or serve it with naan. Or tweak the seasoning and turn it into a couscous.

The most significant thing though was that I didn't use any oil. The veg are just boiled which keeps the calorie count down and speeds up the recipe to about 15-20 minutes. Probably 5 minutes in a pressure cooker, which I still have to master . . .

Spicy 5 vegetable stew (376 calories)
Serves 2-3 at 125 calories a bowlful

1 medium onion (100g) 31 calories
1 medium carrot (105g) 30 calories
1 medium parsnip (105g) 69 calories
1 medium to large turnip (150g) 47 calories
4 Jerusalem artichokes (145g) 105 calories
1 tbsp korma curry paste (25g) 55 calories
750ml hot vegetable stock made with 1tbsp Marigold vegetable bouillon powder - 36 calories
A handful of chopped coriander leaves (10g) 3 calories
Salt and pepper

Peel and cut up the veg into chunky pieces. (Do the artichokes last as they discolour.) Put them in a saucepan or casserole, cover them with the hot stock and bring to the boil. Turn the heat down and simmer until the veg are almost tender. Some will cook faster than others - it doesn't matter. You can mush them up to thicken the stew.

Weigh out the curry paste, mix it in a bowl with 2 tbsp of the stock you've cooked the veg in and add it back to the pan. Reheat and simmer until the veg are fully cooked (another few minutes). Add the chopped coriander and season to taste. That's it!

PS A less successful experiment was unsweetened porridge made entirely with water and a sprinkling of cinnamon. I know the Scots eat it that way (except for the cinnamon) but to me it tasted like soggy oat-flavoured cardboard. I think next time I'd have to include a teaspoon of sugar which would be only 16 calories. Not a disaster.


  1. when you made your porridge with water did you put salt in? Without salt it is cardboardy with salt really lovely and oaty. I have half skimmed milk, half water, good fat pinch of salt and eat with a chopped banana. No sugar at all. It is lovely.

    Like tea with no sugar, once you get used to it, there is no going back.

  2. Looks absolutely delicious, right up my strasse. Going to buy the ingredients and make it today :-)

  3. I did use salt - perhaps too much - but found it more salty than oaty. I normally use half and half milk and water. I like cinnamon with porridge though so may have that with just a smidge of sugar ;-)

    And glad you like the sound of it Mel. Was surprised it worked so well. Deeply comforting!

  4. we cannot source jerusalam artichokes, what would you recommend as a substitute?

  5. It honestly doesn't matter that much. Whatever roots you've got. And doesn't of course HAVE to be 5 veg - could be 4. You could add some peas if pushed . . .

  6. thank you, we have substituted with sweet potato, no jerusalem artichokes to be had for love nor money down here

  7. Looks yummy - I have some Thai yellow curry paste that might work pretty well.

  8. Thanks for this. My wife and I are on our first week, completely disorganised and trying to juggle kids, jobs and fasting. I'm surprised it's not the wine I miss, it's picking over the kids' leftovers. There's half a bowl of salmon and egg fried rice in front of me as I type. I can't even pick the peas out.

    This recipe was perfect. Although ours was celeriac, cabbage, leek, potato, carrot and onion (much too white) with a rogan josh paste it did a great job (I had it twice).

    If you've any tips on breakfasts for the office I'd be grateful. Currently it's 100g grapes plus 20g 0% Total yoghurt and a black coffee n

  9. Glad it worked for you Richard! It's difficult with kids - I sympathise. Mine have luckily left home (from a tempting leftovers point of view)

    Breakfast is difficult, I agree. I'm still grappling with it though I have got a couple of new ideas which I'll be posting shortly. You can't have it before you leave home?
