Thursday 14 February 2013

5:2 A 100 calorie lunch (near as . . .)

Although I find I can skip lunch more readily than I used to when I started the 5:2 diet there are days when the hunger pangs just won’t go away - particularly if I’ve eaten lightly the night before. This salad was in response to just such an emergency.

I’d been thinking if I had one egg instead of two that wouldn’t gobble up too many of the evening’s calories. I had a tomato and a spinach, watercress and rocket salad in the fridge but the ingredient that brought them all together and which turned out to have a welcome lack of calories was capers. They gave the salad punch and the liquid from the jar provided an instant, calorie-free dressing. Result!

Egg, tomato and caper salad (107 cals)

1 egg (78 cals)
1 tomato (115g) (21 cals)
2 tsp capers (10g) 1.4 cals + some liquid from the jar
a handful of watercress or watercress, spinach and rocket salad 25g (6.5 cals)
freshly ground black pepper

Hard boil the egg. Skin and slice the tomato. (Actually you don’t have to skin it but I think it tastes better). Arrange both on a small plate thus creating the illusion of greater quantity. Place a handful of watercress alongside. Spoon over the capers and trickle some of the liquid from the jar on the tomatoes and salad leaves. Grind over some black pepper. Voilà!

Confession: I also had a 34 calorie Peter’s Yard crispbread with it which brought the total to 141 calories. But that’s still not a lot.


  1. That looks a really nice little meal, and I always find that an egg makes me feel much fuller for longer if I have one with a salad.

    I'm going back to the 5:2 diet next week, possibly Mondays and Thursdays, so I'll be back here for lots of inspiration.

    Brilliant idea to use the caper liquid as a salad dressing :-)

    Sue xx

  2. Glad it inspired you, Sue. Comes of being very greedy. Even when I'm restricted to 500 cals I want something good to eat!

  3. I've just started the 5:2 diet (though I have to admit to going over my 500 calories most days (though I don't go over 600!) Your recipes have inspired me...please keep posting them. I'm posting mine over on my blog if you're interested - but they're not as tasty as yours, I must admit.
