Wednesday 23 January 2008

I manage a No Food Shopping Day

The main thing that stands in the way of my becoming a Frugal Cook is that I adore food shopping. Any excuse. And I'm incapable of coming away empty-handed.

This obviously has to change and yesterday it did. We were out with friends last night and there was food in the cupboard and fridge so I didn't need to buy anything for lunch. We had spaghetti aglio, olio e peperoncino (a punchy spaghetti with oil, garlic and chillies) and a green salad.

Later I managed to walk past our local food shops (we are lucky enough to have some at the end of the road) without dropping in. So I turned my back on some very frugal breast of lamb and some lovely fresh fennel. This was prudent because a) they wouldn't have gone particularly well together so I would have had to think of at least two meals to use them and b) I'm off up to London for a couple of days and would have probably ended up throwing out the lamb at least when I got back. (The fennel would have been OK but less good two days on). I'm learning.

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