Thursday 24 January 2008

One up to 'im indoors!

Back from London to find my other half beaming smugly. "Our dinner tonight cost 73p" he said.

He'd been to the organic butcher down the road and found ox liver selling at a knock-down price. Only it wasn't ox liver, according to the girl behind the counter but vastly superior calves' liver which they couldn't call calves' liver because it came from an animal four days too old to be called a calf.

He found a cos lettuce (or rather Sweet Romaine, as they insist on calling them these days) in the fridge and made a green salad from it so that didn't cost anything out of today's budget.

It took 5 minutes to make and with no carbs was impeccably healthy too.

Thought this was supposed to be my blog. Men are so competitive . .

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