Thursday 9 October 2008

In the Indy's 10 best autumn cookbooks!

Great excitement this evening. Call from a friend to say The Frugal Cook is listed among the Independent's 10 best autumn cookbooks along with Jamie, Nigella, Gordon and Rick. It's tough to get into that sort of list if you're not a celebrity so this is a fantastic boost. Many thanks to Sharon Browne (of BBC Good Food who compiled the list)

And it is, I hear, finally on its way. It's being printed overseas, as most books are these days - in 'Frugal's' case in Dubai - and should be in the bookshops in the next couple of weeks. I hope . . .


  1. That's brilliant news! Well done Fiona.

  2. yay! how exciting, that's super news. who needs all the other books when we live in frugal times!
